Also in focus on the hall floor: Bayern win on Ibaka debut


The Bayern basketball players managed to win the league – even if it was trembling. In addition to sports, the focus in the evening was also on the hall floor.

Led by world champions Andreas Obst and Isaac Bonga, FC Bayern narrowly won their opening game in the BBL. The Munich team celebrated a 96:87 (50:40) victory over Syntainics MBC on Friday. The two German internationals each contributed 15 points to the success, which was still in danger in the final minutes. The top scorer was new signing Leandro Bolmaro (16).

In addition to the basket hunters of the new Bayern coach Pablo Laso, the focus was on the LED hall floor: the lines and pitch markings were digitally superimposed on the high-tech surface. During the breaks and at half-time, the 6500 spectators in the sold-out hall got to see party graphics.


In sporting terms, the title favourites from Bavaria needed a few minutes to find their rhythm – it was only towards the end of the first half that the hosts gained a lead. Above all, precision shooter Obst, who stunned the basketball world at the World Cup in the breathtaking semi-final against the USA, caused enthusiasm at BMW Park with his three-pointers.

Obst’s DBB teammate Dennis Schröder had previously watched a surprising 91-86 victory of the Löwen Braunschweig over EWE Baskets Oldenburg as a spectator in the evening. The NBA professional, who was named the most valuable player of the World Cup, is the owner of the Braunschweig club.


Lack of match practice to be seen at Ibaka


Long-time NBA star Serge Ibaka, who came to the Bundesliga as the most spectacular new signing this summer, showed a lack of match practice in some scenes. Bayern captain Vladimir Lucic was absent due to injury. Towards the end, the Laso squad suddenly let the guests from Saxony-Anhalt come close again and had to tremble for victory.

After the start of the championship, the Munich team will also start next Thursday in the Euroleague in the German duel against Alba Berlin. Until then, the LED glass floor will be dismantled after the one-time test run.


FC Bayern München – Synt. MBC Weißenfels 96:87 (22:22,28:18,23:23,23:24)

Points FC Bayern Munich: Bolmaro 16, Bonga 15, Obst 15, Francisco 12, Harris 10, Edwards 9, Booker 8, Ibaka 6, Brankovic 3, Wimberg 2 Synt. MBC Weißenfels: Baldwin 17, Bircevic 16, Callison 14, Stove 13, Bryant 12, Ndow 8, Breunig 7
Attendance: 6500



Löwen Braunschweig – EWE Baskets Oldenburg 91:86 (28:27,18:24,32:16,13:19)

Points Löwen Braunschweig: Crockett Jr. 24, Rorie 17, Peterka 12, B. Tischler 11, Bango 9, Njie 9, Fru 3, Sylla 3, N. Tischler 3 EWE Baskets Oldenburg: Foster 17, Williams 14, Manning Jr. 12, Schoormann 12, Izundu 11, D. Russell 9, Chapman 7, Agbakoko 2, Dileo 2
Attendance: 6205


Hakro Merlins Crailsheim – Rostock Seawolves 85:81 (19:23,20:12,25:23,21:23)

Points Hakro Merlins Crailsheim: Stuckey 19, Baggette 14, Bleck 14, Murray-Boyles 13, Cook 10, Oduro 6, Townes 5, Westermann 2, Wulff 2 Rostock Seawolves: Nelson 22, Alston Jr. 15, Goodwin 13, Smith 9, Bradley 6, Lockett 6, Amaize 4, Gloger 3, Theis 2, Carter 1
Attendance: 2267


MHP Riesen Ludwigsburg – Hamburg Towers 79:87 (22:19,16:19,22:25,19:24)

Points MHP Riesen Ludwigsburg: Buie 25, Graves 10, Lewis 9, Childs 8, Edigin 8, Bähre 7, Bartolo 6, Jacob Patrick 3, Vander Plas 3
Hamburg Towers: Hughes 23, Christmas 18, Dziewa 18, Gomez 7, King 7, Brauner 4, Meisner 4, Hinrichs 2, Krause 2, Wohlfarth-Bottermann 2 Attendance: 3472
